Local writers, on the whole, are happy with the copyright restrictions. Author Tim Winton calls copyright “the single most important industrial fact in a writer's life, the civilising influence of a culture upon a market”. As well as giving authors a number of exclusive rights over their original material, copyright has a territorial provision. This gives creators the right to earn a premium for sales in their home country while only earning “export royalties” for overseas sales. The catch is that the Australian creator needs an Australian publisher to earn the higher royalty otherwise any local earnings is considered export. The dilemma for authors is whether to forego these local earnings in order to gain access to the greater reach provided by a London or New York publisher. Up to the 1980s, most authors went with overseas publishers.
In 1991 the Hawke Government came up with a novel solution to this problem to promote the local industry. It brought in the 30 day rule. This is “use it or lose it” legislation that allow Australian publishers 30 days to publish a version of any book that has been released anywhere in the world. If the book is published within 30 days, all booksellers are obliged to purchase the publication from the Australian publisher and cannot import the book from an overseas publisher. However this nifty solution did not envisage how the Internet would muddy the waters. Overseas online books are not subject to the order and do not incur GST at the point of sale.
The Council of Australian Governments' Meeting of 3 July 2008 discussed the import monopoly issue under the larger aegis of competition reform. The issue under discussion was whether the 30 day rule results in higher prices and less availability of books to Australian consumers. In November then Assistant Treasurer Chris Bowen requested the Productivity Commission to examine the provisions of the Act. The government called for submissions from the public and there were 272 responses.
Most authors saw the changes as “cultural suicide” and were bitterly opposed to any watering down of the 30 day rule. Peter Carey’s view was typical. “As long as we have a territorial copyright our publishers have a commercial argument to support Australian literature,” he wrote to the commission. “They will battle for the sake of our readers and our writers, even if their owners have no personal commitment to the strange loves and needs of Australian readers, or the cultural integrity and future of the Australian nation.”
Local publishers such as Allen & Unwin and McGraw-Hill are also keen to see the status quo preserved. They both say the local market is strong and competitive and this is due to the stability provided by the existing territorial copyright arrangements. Allen & Unwin said there is a cultural benefit also with 14,000 Australian books authored every year.

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) took a minimalist intervention stance in their submission. It questions whether there is quantifiable data that supports the societal benefit of the 30 day rule. “Given that the parallel import restrictions amount to a restriction on competition,” it says, “the onus of demonstrating such benefits should be on those advocating for their retention.” The ACCC said the removal of similar laws in New Zealand in 1998 resulted in lower or stable prices, improvements in supply and service and product differentiation. It also had no effect on the local creative book industry.
But although the Australian rule is contrived, it seems to work. While the Internet components need to be addressed, the question is whether we want to risk the destruction of a large and vibrant local industry in name of making books a dollar or two cheaper. The Productivity Commission sensed that concern when they released their draft findings to the Government in March. The main recommendation is that publishers still be protected from parallel importation, but only for the first 12 months.
The publishers and authors are angry with this outcome. As author Kate Grenville noted cultural externalities can’t be quantified in a way that will have any traction in a debate about economics. However, Andrew Norton sees it as largely a win for them “as most of the profits from a new release will be made in the first 12 months”. We shall soon see. The Commission has delivered its final report on 30 June (not yet in the public domain). The changes, whatever they will be, should make their way in Australian law later this year. The economic benefits might kick in immediately, but the cultural consequences will take a lot longer to be felt.
UPDATE (Tuesday 14 July): The Productivity Commission has released its final report. It has gone further than the interim version and called for the 30 rule to be scrapped. Quote: "From the available quantitative and qualitative evidence, the Commission has concluded that the PIRs [parallel import restrictions] place upward pressure on book prices and that, at times, the price effect is likely to be substantial."
Yes, looks like the decision may go against authors, Derek, but that doesn't mean we'll take it lying down. The changes still have to go through Parliament so I guess the fight will now go to Canberra instead of trying to get our views across the mainstream media to a (probably) unaware, (possibly) couldn't care less non-book-loving Australians. Although, Tim Winton did pretty getting the main message across, along with a list of well-known or not Aussie authors. I've written lots on the subject from the point of view as an Australian children's writer if anyone is interested: http://sherylgwyther.wordpress.com/
whatever the decision should be but the government should think about the author and availability of books to the customer.
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