The crowd thinned slightly this morning after the emergency declaration, though some protesters had begun looting paintings from an art gallery while others vandalised parked cars. The country’s Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Munkhorgil said Ulan Bator was now under a 10pm to 8am curfew. "Police will use necessary force to crack down on criminals who are looting private and government property," he warned.
The riot occurred when several thousand people gathered on to the streets of the capital after results emerged from Sunday’s election. Preliminary returns showed the ruling ex-Communist Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) has claimed victory with at least 45 seats in the 76-seat parliament (known as the State Great Khural but the opposition Democrats, who took 26 seat, allege fraud. Their Party leader Tsakhia Elbegdorj said his party was robbed of victory but the MPRP and international election monitors say the vote was free and fair.
This is the fifth election since Mongolia adopted wide-ranging economic and politic reform after the collapse of Communism. The MPRP ruled the country in a Soviet-style one party government for seven decades between 1921 and 1990. Their superior organisation helped them win the first two free elections in 1990 and 1992 until their 75 year was ended in 1996 when the opposition parties united to form the Democrats. They ruled until 2004 when a close vote in that year’s election forced the two major parties into an uneasy coalition which lasted just two years. The transition to democracy in the last 18 years has been remarkably peaceful until the events of this week.
The current law gives the government 50 percent of the deposit and the MPRP proposed to increase that by one percent to give it outright control. But the Democrats say that control should stay in private hands. Large multinational mining companies such as Rio Tinto, Ivanhoe and Antofagasta actively awaited the result and although will be disappointed by the MPRP victory, they will hope the result will allow their deals to conclude. While the protests may add to the air of uncertainty, it is likely the simplest reason MPRP won the election is by promising a bribe of $1,300 in cash to each citizen once mining production starts.
Hi, thanks for the commentary. The political repression in many of the Central Asian states is really egregious and I hope it works out for the best in Mongolia.
If you don't mind I'd like to briefly promote a campaign I'm working on:
We're trying to raise $180 for a GPS system in rural Mongolia so EduRelief can document their progress in bringing books, teachers, etc. to schools outside the major cities.
You only have to pledge a bit, and no one has to pay unless we reach $200! Please take a second to look at the site and tell others who might be interested.
I don't think that the Mongolia's election was held fair. International observers can't understand what went at the poll stations without deep background knowledge about the Mongolia's elections. The MPRP has always rigged the elections since 1996 when they kept the much needed one seat for their party by miscounting the votes. The MPRP has developed its rigging system in 2000, 2004 and 2008 parliamentary elections. This year, the system worked too efficiently and yielded far more seats than the MPRP expected to get (even Bayar Sanjaa did not expect to get so many seats, in my opinion). So, in conclusion, the reports of international observers don't make any sense at all.
Tsogt - thanks for your comments.
While the world heaps opprobrium on Zimbabwe, the lack of probity in other elections worldwide pass by well under the radar.
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