The latest salvo in the Fairfax saga was the sacking of three senior members of the editorial team today. In Melbourne, Age editor Paul Ramadge .html “announced his intention to stand down” while at the Sydney Morning Herald publisher and editor-in-chief Peter Fray and editor Amanda Wilson announced “they are leaving the company”. The decisions coming so close together and so close after CEO Greg Hyland’s watershed restructure announced last week can only mean the trio have been sacked. Fray gives it away when he said he said it was an exciting opportunity for him to see what more he could achieve in the profession he loved but “he didn’t have another job to go to” while Ramadge spoke of “divided feelings”.
Their departure clears the way for Fairfax to move to a new management structure. In Hyland’s memo to all staff last Monday entitled “Fairfax of the Future”, he announced the three objectives of his cull of 1900 staff: Move to a digital-only platform, reduce costs and make profits. Hyland said his “Metro Media Business” (the Age and SMH) has grown 30% audience in the last five years. Online visitors now outnumber print by over three to one. But the business costs are predominately in the legacy space.
To fix this, they will move to regional printing plants, charge for digital access from next month, reduce the size of their papers and sell a stake in NZ auction site Trade Me.
Hyland said they were committed to a multi-platform strategy. Fairfax Media will become a “digital news media and transactions” company with horizontal media convergence across four platforms: legacy (print/radio), online, mobiles and tablets, and IPTV. Audiences would be “monetised through the day” through a mixture of subscriptions, advertising, digital transactions and events. There is no clear role for an editor-in-chief in this model, hence the departures of Ramadge, Frey and Wilson.
The Australian thinks instead there will be five geographical editors-in-chief in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra -- and a handful of "national news editors". The Australian believes there will be 19 "topic" editors, replacing the rounds system. “Some topics will be national, such as federal politics, some local, such as crime, and some hybrid,” they said. “There will also be five ‘platform’ editors: one each for print, social media, tablet, mobile and computer.”
Meade and Jackson also note the massive restructure in their own organisation News Ltd with job losses also expected to exceed 1000. Its 19 divisions will be reduced to five publishing houses in a “one city one newsroom” strategy similar to Fairfax. News is also closing two divisions: News Digital Media, founded in 2006, and News Corp's internal wire service Newscore formed three years ago.
While Australia’s two biggest media companies haemorrhage staff, The Guardian is worried more about losing a plurality of voices. It notes Gina Rinehart is circling Fairfax looking for a board seat and editorial influence. Maybe Rinehart is just smart and figures now is a good time to buy into their stock or maybe she wants more than that. Either way, based on what Hyland is saying, the Guardian’s comment she would “hamper Australia's once-vibrant journalistic culture” is a bit Pollyanna-ish about the our media. Right-winger Gerard Henderson calls the Age the Guardian-on-the-Yarra but the Australian paper is nowhere near as good as its British counterpart.
Whether it will be a choice “between Murdoch and Murdoch on steroid,” as the Guardian claims, the fact is Fairfax were never independent of their owners regardless of their “Charter of Editorial Independence”. Even in the glory days of Graham Perkin, he was rapped over the knuckles for supporting Gough Whitlam in 1972 and had to backtrack in 1974 when the board vetoed his decision to give Labor another chance. Rineharts’s refusal to sign it will have little bearing on the content the new entity provides.
The real danger is elsewhere. This threat is not about political interference but business. The new arrangements will further hasten the collapse of the walls between editorial and commercial departments. Terry Flew notes the big question for Fairfax is what online content to put out. Flew said their websites are “a confusing blancmange of investigative stories, fashion photos, sex tips, celebrity gossip, local news, opinion pieces, sports results, and updates on reality TV shows". These sites challenge Fairfax’s claim to deliver quality journalism and most of it is readily available elsewhere. Flew said Fairfax priorities for its online sites must be“uncluttering its content pages and deciding what it won’t be reporting on, and identifying more clearly who its paying readership are likely to be and what they are uniquely seeking from Fairfax sites.”
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Gunggari People get native title
It was a joyous day in Mitchell today. The Gunggari people, traditional owners of the land south and west of town celebrated a native victory yesterday with a march down the main street. “Who are we?” they chanted. “GUNGGARI” was the response. Loud and proud, they were celebrating the first native title determination on mainland Southern Queensland.
The marchers were happy a day after the Federal Court of
Australia came all the way to Mitchell Shire Hall to make a consent determination. Justice John Reeves
announced the decision immediately shaking hands with Gunggari elder Wayne
Saunders as many people cheered and wept. The determination recognises native
title rights and interests over 13,600 sq km of land and waters in central
southern Queensland. The area is broken up into parcels, the two biggest of
which are in the middle of a triangle between Mitchell (east) Charleville
(west) and Bollon (south).
In these areas, the Gunggari People negotiated Indigenous Land Use Arrangements (ILUA) with three local councils (Maranoa, Balonne and
Murweh), electricity supplier Ergon,
telecommunications provider Telstra and five pastoral properties. Once the ILUAs are formalised, the
Gunggari Native Title Aboriginal Corporation will be the prescribed body
corporate to manage the native title rights. Their rights are non-exclusive but
allow Gunggari people access to, travel, camp, hunt, teach, light fires and use
water in the areas affected. They can also hold religious ceremonies and
spiritual activities on the land.
The rights are a long time coming. Queensland South Native
Title Services principal legal officer Tim Wishart handed up the list of
documents to Justice Reeves on which the claim was based. Wishart made a powerful speech documenting the history of
the Gunggari “from time beyond memory”. Wishart said the Gunggari land ran west
from the Maranoa River and included the headwaters of the Nebine Creek, Mungallala
Creek, Wallam Creek and Neabul Creek which together feed into the greater
Murray-Darling basin. They fought to
protect those lands “probably before English developed as a language,” Wishart
They were uninclined to let the European invaders have free
run of the place after Sir Thomas Mitchell first explored the area in 1840. In 1855 an exasperated Crown Land Commissioner
Wiseman wrote “No tribe will allow of the peaceable occupation of their
country,” The whites fought back and with superior weaponry killed at least 75 Aboriginals
along the Maranoa River up to 1862. In
1880, George Thorn (who served as Queensland premier two years earlier)
boasted the inland Queensland Aboriginals were “pretty well shot down and got
rid of”.
Thorn was wrong. The Gunggari and other tribes hung on
tenaciously even after losing the war to the colonials. Monitored by the border and native police, They
were tolerated as joint owners of the land until the twentieth century when the
patriarchal attitudes of the new Commonwealth brought about the Aboriginal Protection and Restriction of Sale of Opium Acts
1901. Under this act the camps that existed across the Maranoa
were dismantled and hundreds of people were moved east and north into alien lands at government
reserves and missions at Taroom, Purga, Barambah/Cherbourg, Palm Island and
Most Gunggari ended up at Taroom settlement established in
1911. They stayed there until 1927 when the site was abandoned for a dam on the
Dawson River. Though the dam never went
ahead, they were marched north to a site near Rockhampton called Woorabinda.
Here they were among 17 different language groups under the control of the Chief
Protector of Aboriginals, an Orwellian title who was supposed to “protect them
from acts of cruelty, oppression and injustice.” Instead they turned a blind eye at best, or ran at worst, schemes to rob Aboriginals of
what little they had.
The few Gunggari that remained behind on country didn’t have
it easy either. They mostly gravitated to Mitchell town and were housed on the
Yumba (“camp”) on the eastern edge of town near the
Maranoa River. At the Yumba, Gunggari elders spoke their language but
repressive white attitudes discouraged them from passing on their knowledge to
the next generation. They did pass on
the cultural laws and customs and hunting traditions. Yumbas were often
shantytowns and many towns such as Mitchell and Surat demolished theirs in the
1960s. The people moved into town and started meeting the whites in school when
previously they would only ever meet on the rugby league or netball field.
The 1967 referendum, the Keating Redfern speech and Mabo and Wik decisions slowly changed attitudes both of the white and black
communities. Robert Munn for the Gunggari People first filed a native title
application in March 1996 and followed it through despite no legal
representation for 11 years. The application was modified in 1998 to reduce the
covered areas and the application was split into two parts in 2001. In 2007 Queensland South Native Title
Services became the legal representative and they registered an ILUA with the
Queensland Government in 2008 for the first part which saw parcels of land
change hands in the Dunkeld area south of Mitchell. Friday’s decision was for the second half. Munn did not live to see it. He
died in July 2009 and five others continued the application in their name.
In December 2010, the State of Queensland began substantive mediation. The applicant and respondents submitted their material to the
Federal Court who announced their decision on Friday. As well as the many Gunggari who celebrated in
Mitchell, others celebrated from afar such as Queensland State of Origin star
Johnathan Thurston and Opera Australia baritone
Don Bemrose. “I am very proud to say I am a
member of the Gunggari community,” Thurston said. “It is important that our
history with this land, and our customs, have been observed in this way and I
congratulate everyone who has fought for this recognition over the past 17
years – almost as long as I’ve been playing rugby league.”
Bemrose, the first Aboriginal member of Opera Australia, said he was always proud and honoured to represent the Gunggari. “This moment is acknowledgement of our people’s continued bond with the Maranoa and the persistence, dedication and strength of a few to do all possible to again connect our land to all Gunggari past, present and future is amazing,” he said. As Wishart concluded in Court on Friday, the determination has confirmed what the Gunggari already knew: the land was theirs.
Bemrose, the first Aboriginal member of Opera Australia, said he was always proud and honoured to represent the Gunggari. “This moment is acknowledgement of our people’s continued bond with the Maranoa and the persistence, dedication and strength of a few to do all possible to again connect our land to all Gunggari past, present and future is amazing,” he said. As Wishart concluded in Court on Friday, the determination has confirmed what the Gunggari already knew: the land was theirs.
Aboriginal issues,
Friday, June 22, 2012
Assange and Correa: Welcome to the Club of the Persecuted
For hints on whether Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa would give Julian Assange asylum, I took a look at the May 22 interview between the
men for Assange’s self-titled show
on Russia Today. Russia Today is a strange beast that will analyse anything in depth except Putin. Its series of Julian Assange Show episodes of interviews with many world leaders who don't get easy access to the western newsrooms, is passable telly.
“Correa is a left wing populist who has changed the face of Ecuador,” Assange announced in his introduction. “But unlike his predecessors he has a PhD in economics.”
Correa is a significant president and Assange quotes US embassy cables
released by his own Wikileaks project that say Correa is the most popular president
in Ecuadorian history. He was also taken hostage in a 2010 coup d’etat. Assange said Correa blamed the coup on
corrupt media and launched a counter-offensive on the grounds the media define what
reforms are possible.
Assange asked Correa Ecuador’s relationship with the US. Correa quoted Bolivian president Evo Morales who said the US is the only country in the Americas safe from a coup because it doesn’t have a US embassy. Assange admitted to Correa he liked his jokes. Correa suddenly got serious and said the only way he could eliminate funding US provided to Ecuadorian police was by increasing their salary. "I'm not anti-American, I got two degrees there but Iwould never allow Ecuadorian sovereignty to bcompromised by the US". Correa said he wanted Wikileaks to release all the cables as they had nothing to hide.
“Correa is a left wing populist who has changed the face of Ecuador,” Assange announced in his introduction. “But unlike his predecessors he has a PhD in economics.”

Assange asked Correa Ecuador’s relationship with the US. Correa quoted Bolivian president Evo Morales who said the US is the only country in the Americas safe from a coup because it doesn’t have a US embassy. Assange admitted to Correa he liked his jokes. Correa suddenly got serious and said the only way he could eliminate funding US provided to Ecuadorian police was by increasing their salary. "I'm not anti-American, I got two degrees there but Iwould never allow Ecuadorian sovereignty to bcompromised by the US". Correa said he wanted Wikileaks to release all the cables as they had nothing to hide.
Assange asked about kicking out the US ambassador after the
release of the cables. Correa said Heather Hodges was right wing with
1960s cold war attitudes. Hodges accused Correa of deliberately appointing a
corrupt police commissioner. She didn't like the government and her main contacts
were leaders of the opposition. The cables confirmed what they already knew. As Hodges was shown the exit door, Correa grew relationships with
China, Russia and Brazil in her stead.
Assange brought the subject back to freedom of information as he reminded Correa why he was 500 days of house arrest. Were Correa’s reforms were a step in the wrong direction for release of
Correa replied he was all for release of information. He mentioned an Argentinean book about Wikileaks which said Ecuadorian media did not publish. He has long supported Wikileaks. “We believe, my dear Julian, that only things that should be protected against freedom of speech are those set in the international treaties,” Correa said. Correa said media power is greater than political power in Ecuador. “They usually have self-serving political, economic, social and above all informative power,” he said. He claimed the government were persecuted by journalists using insults and slander – mass media serving private interests.
Correa replied he was all for release of information. He mentioned an Argentinean book about Wikileaks which said Ecuadorian media did not publish. He has long supported Wikileaks. “We believe, my dear Julian, that only things that should be protected against freedom of speech are those set in the international treaties,” Correa said. Correa said media power is greater than political power in Ecuador. “They usually have self-serving political, economic, social and above all informative power,” he said. He claimed the government were persecuted by journalists using insults and slander – mass media serving private interests.
With most TV stations owned by bankers and no public
station in Ecuador, he faced merciless opposition to any banking reforms. “These people
disguised as journalists are doing politics for fear of losing the power they
always had,” Assange said he agreed with
his market description of the media which had censored Wikileaks material for
political reasons. However he said the correct way to deal with monopolies or
cartels to break them up. He asked could Correa have made it easier for new entrants.
Correa said that was what they were trying to do was making one third of TV stations for the community and non-profit, one third
commercial and the final third state owned by governments and councils. He said
his 2008 law has been systematically blocked by big media and their lobbyists.
Correa said Ecuador and Latin America are moving from the Washington Consensus.
“The policies dictated by the US had
nothing to do with our needs in Latin America,” Correa told Assange. Correa said governments had to
put people before economic politics. He told Assange it was a
pleasure to meet him in this way,
“Cheer up, welcome to the club of the persecuted,” Correa said.
“Thank you,” Assange replied. “Take care and don’t get assassinated.”
“That’s something we have to avoid every day," Correa replied.
“Cheer up, welcome to the club of the persecuted,” Correa said.
“Thank you,” Assange replied. “Take care and don’t get assassinated.”
“That’s something we have to avoid every day," Correa replied.
Julian Assange,
Rafael Correa,
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Fairfax news is good news
I’m reading Ben Hills’ monumental biography of the great Age
editor Graham Perkin “Breaking News” and it makes me break into a wry smile
when I hear of the 1900 job losses and other sweeping changes announced today at Fairfax. A smile seems harsh when
so many livelihoods are at stake in something in many quarters seen as a disastrous
loss to Australian media. Yet I see it as a natural step of an industry that
must change to avoid death.
Reading Hills’ account of The Age in the stultifying days
before Perkin took over in the 1960s, the real wonder is how the newspaper has
lasted this long. The paper was
moribund, uninteresting, under the thumb of the government, hamstrung by libel laws,
and almost bled to death by the dull Syme family who cared more about dividends
than the paper. Perkin. with the aid of
his go-getting equally young managing director Ranald McDonald (a Syme who broke the mould) turned the Age into a vibrant
newspaper. I believe both Perkin and McDonald would have supported today’s moves by Fairfax CEO Greg
The matter came up on ABC’s PM
tonight where Mark Colvin interviewed David McKnight, senior research fellow at
the Journalism and Media Research Centre at the University of New South Wales
and Andrew Jaspan, former editor of the Age. After joking about George Brandis’s
comment in parliament the redundancies were the work of the carbon tax, they introduced a
serious tax issue. The discussion was
around Colvin’s point the financial papers, such as the Financial Times, the
Economist and the Wall Street Journal, have made money because of their specialist
readerships. Jaspan continued:
“I'm glad you mentioned that because the Wall Street Journal
and the Financial Times are seen as expenseable costs,” Jaspan said.” So if you
work anywhere in London, or New York, US you can charge to your credit card the
cost of those services. So they are really fundamentally different to the likes
of generalist papers.”
No-one picked up on Jaspan’s point: why can’t generalist
papers be like the WSJ and the FT and be expenseable costs? This is intervention thats governments – like Australia's – could make without
compromising the independence of the publications. Make subscription to a news
publication a tax expense. Why wouldn’t a businessperson in Sydney not want a
subscription to the Sydney Morning Herald? Even with its now denuded newsroom,
it is still the biggest source of journalism in Sydney and would have access to
information – not just financial information - vital to the success of any
local enterprise. Wouldn’t governments and big business want to encourage this
information sharing by making buying a newspaper a taxable and/or expenseable
Yet ultimately newsprint is not a practical way to
deliver news in the resource-conscious 21st century. Why should trees die for
newsprint? And then there is the distribution costs —trucking all those
newspaper copies to newsstands and homes, then back to recycling centres or worse
still landfills. Slate argues the jury is still out whether online is more energy-friendly but the
fact remains more people now prefer to get their news online. There is no lessening of thirst for news. People will pay
for it. No longer according to the rivers of gold of old but they will pay for
it. Fairfax have done the right thing to recognise where the future is. Now
they have to make sure there are enough content makers to provide the niche
content for their markets. They may or may not make it but that is not our
concern. I would not mourn Fairfax’s passing if it dies.
Jason Wilson in Restless Capital calls it a collapse
but I call it changing times. 20th century newspaper companies are like carmakers, only without the subsidies.
Companies that cannot understand that, deserve to die. There may be a small
deficit of news if Fairfax disappears but something will fill the gap. Maybe we
will lose investigative journalism but that didn’t exist much before Graham Perkin
anyway. The much loathed – but still
popular - Today Tonight and A Current Affair programs show current affairs is still
popular in tabloid form. The death of big journalism is not the end of the
world and it won’t end investigative journalism. People will still flock to to newsmakers and
also come to those who tell the story behind the news. Someone, somewhere – if not
Fairfax – will learn how to do that digitally with a profit. Newsrooms may come and go
but news will always survive.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Slavery is as old a curse as humanity
The issue of slavery doesn’t seem like an important topic to
be discussing the 21st century but it is still a real issue in many parts of
the world, including Australia.
Attorney-General Nicola Roxon recognised the fact this week when she
announced new laws to criminalise forced marriage, forced labour and organ trafficking. Roxon said Australia wasn’t immune from slavery
and people trafficking. The new bill tackles worker exploitation, ensures those
who help to enslave or traffic can be charged as well as those who keep slaves
and allows for reparations with up to 12 years in prison for forced labour
At the time of the case, Australian Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans welcomed the fine and warned that the exploitation of workers would not be tolerated by his Government. The Cork Independent said slavery exists in Ireland today because of a demand. “Irish people are willing to use, abuse and exploit their fellow human beings for economic benefit or their own gratification,” it said.
American-based British historian Simon
Schama addressed the subject in his blood Rough Crossings: Britain, Slaves and the American Revolution. The book tells the story of
black Americans who sided with the British in the War of Independence because King
George III embodied the idea of freedom for them better than George
Washington. The framers of the new
American constitution had a bold plan for taxation and representation but behind
the rhetoric of freedom, the reality of slavery was their Achilles heels. Tens
of thousands of Black Africans looked to Britain to deliver them from the slavery.
When Boston lawyer James Otis called out
the contradiction and said slavery diminished the idea of American
freedom, Founding Father John Adams
could only “shudder at the consequences of such premises.”
The news comes a week after an Irish publication revealed
the news slavery exists today in Ireland and is exported to Australia. The Cork Independent quoted from a new book called ‘Open
Secrets: An Irish Perspective on Trafficking & Witchcraft'
based on data from the Trafficking in
Persons Report issued annually by the US Department of State. Book co-author
David Lohan said the data was available for several years but the issue was
The report found that Irish and Filipino
people on 457 visas were “fraudulently recruited to work temporarily in
Australia, but subsequently are subjected to conditions of forced labour,
including confiscation of travel documents, confinement and threats of serious
harm." It quoted a $174,000 fine issued to a Perth construction company in
2008 for violations of the Workplace Relations Act for “the deliberate
exploitation of Filipino and Irish migrant workers.” The workers were not entitled to move between
employers and presented with undated work agreements while being denied the
required documents outlining their rights.
At the time of the case, Australian Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans welcomed the fine and warned that the exploitation of workers would not be tolerated by his Government. The Cork Independent said slavery exists in Ireland today because of a demand. “Irish people are willing to use, abuse and exploit their fellow human beings for economic benefit or their own gratification,” it said.
But this
is not just true of Ireland or Australia. Slavery is as old as organised
human society. It was codified in the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi 3800 years
ago and accepted in the Old and New Testaments. Exodus 22:2-3
allows for a thief to be sold if they cannot redress their theft. Ephesians 6:5
cautions servants “who are owned by someone must obey your
owners”. The classical Greek definition of democracy glossed over
slavery and it was a key component of the Roman Empire economy until it was
gradually replaced by serfdom.
Slavery continued in many societies and gained
a new lease of life in Western Europe with the opening up of the Americas in
the 16th and 17th centuries. The Atlantic triangular slave trade brought textiles, rum and manufactured goods from Europe to Africa, slaves from
Africa to the Americas and sugar, tobacco and cotton from the Americas to Europe. Merchants of Liverpool and Bristol combined
with the big American cotton producers and the slave-trading kingdoms of
western and central Africa to move 12 million Africans across the Atlantic in
three hundred years.

The fact was the trade in humans kept the
American cotton industry in profit and this was something the southern colonies
were not to give away lightly. Slave rebellions in the sugar islands of the
Caribbean created a terror the cotton economy was next and thousands of white
Americans signed up for the revolt to protect their livelihood.
But Britain was a dubious saviour for the
blacks. Slavery was still legal in the British Empire and repeated attempts in
parliament to ban it were always rejected on the economic grounds it would give
bitter enemy France too much of an advantage in the Caribbean sugar trade. The
notorious case of the slave ship the Zong where the captain threw 122 sick
slaves overboard to get £30 a head compensation for their loss at sea
spurred campaigners such as Granville Sharp (a founding father
of Sierra Leone) and Thomas Clarkson to lobby for change. But even when revolutionary
France rejected slavery (Napoleon re-established it
in 1802), a suspicious British
parliament would not immediately follow suit.
It wasn’t until 1807 the slave trade was
made illegal in Britain and also in the US. But the economic benefits of the institution
of slavery continued in both countries until Britain made it illegal in the Empire
in 1834. The internal contradictions of the US system were brilliantly exposed
by 28-year-old runaway slave Frederick Douglass who wowed Britain when he
toured in 1846. The articulate, witty, handsome and charismatic Douglass gave a
dramatic account of cruelty in the plantations and lived constantly under the
fear of re-capture. The book on his life was an immediate best seller.
Back home, many called Douglass
anti-American but he defended his criticisms. “I have no love for America, What
Country have I? The institutions of this country do not know me.” The contradictions
tore the US apart leading to a reluctant Lincoln declaring war on the south in
1861. The war claimed hundreds of
thousands of lives and led to Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Declaration. When Lincoln was murdered, Douglass said Lincoln
“shared the prejudices of his white fellow-countrymen against the Negro, [but] it
is hardly necessary to say that in his heart of hearts he loathed and hated
And while the Thirteenth Amendment
abolished slavery after the South was defeated in 1865, the attitudes Douglass
saw in Lincoln, lingered on in others. Slavery continued but went under a
different name abetted by Jim Crow Laws. Australia too enslaved its blacks by making
them wards of the state. While most of
these schemes were wound back by the 1960s, slavery continues to be a worldwide
issue. In an article about South African
slavery during the 2010 World Cup, Time said there were more
slaves around today than ever. “Slaves are those forced
to perform services for no pay beyond subsistence and for the profit of others
who hold them through fraud and violence,” said Time. Slavery is likely to continue as long as humans have economic value.
Friday, June 01, 2012
Draft Surat Underground Water Impact Report - part 3: Bubbling gas issues
In the last
couple of days, the Lock the Gate Alliance which represents a coalition of
landholders opposed to coal seam gas in the Surat Basin released a video called Condamine River Gas Leak. It shows footage from an organisation called
Gasileaks taken along the River at an “undisclosed location”. There was bubbling
activity at the surface of the river and some kind of meter that went berserk
when placed near the bubbles.
![]() |
Frackman in Roma July 2010 |
It might be
difficult for Pratzky and other blockies in the Lock the Gate Alliance to do
exactly that. This is their life and they don’t want to move on. Yet I fear
they – and others who want a moratorium of the industry – are placing themselves
too far outside the conversation about how the industry should evolve. Origin Energy, the petroleum tenure holder in
the location where Pretsky filmed (a fishing spot south west of Chinchilla known
as the "coal hole") confirmed what Thomas told the Western Star on Facebook “According to local knowledge it
goes back at least 30 years and naturally occurring gas has been a phenomenon
in the Queensland Western Downs region for more than 100 years,” Origin said.
The public face
of Lock the Gate Alliance is its media-savvy president Drew Hutton. He was the one who
publicly announced the Chinchilla leak. Hutton, a prominent member of Queensland
Greens, said he was unconvinced by Origin’s response and challenged them to prove
it. Hutton said Origin should “release its seismic and other
establish whether or not the leak is linked to the company's coal seam gas operations.”
Hutton said he consulted “several highly competent hydrogeologists” who told
him there was a good chance the leaks were “linked to the de-watering of the
coal seam aquifers and possibly fracking opening up pathways for the methane.”
With neither
Origin nor Hutton willing to offer their sources, it is difficult to know who
is right. And water quality remains one of the great unknowns of this massive
new industry. Yet this problem can be solved just as land access
and now water depletion. The 2010 Queensland land access laws redressed the power imbalance between gas
companies and landholders and the new Draft Surat Basin Underground Water Impact Report which I reported about on Monday (Part 1) and Tuesday (part 2) deals with the water depletion issue. The report
specifically ruled out a role for monitoring water quality. That prompted an anonymous
respondent to my Tuesday piece to ask the legitimate question: if "It will
not monitor water quality (eg for contamination from fracking)", who WILL
monitor water quality?
The answer
to that question is the same as the answer to who will monitor water depletion:
a mix of the Queensland Government Department of
Natural Resources and Mining and the petroleum tenure holders themselves. Many
in the Roma forum on the report I attended asked if this was not leaving the
fox in the charge of the henhouse. The Queensland Water Commission’s response
to that was to say, if they did something wrong, they’d be found out. There
would be anomalies in the results that would stand out.
If this is
correct then we need to maintain trust. Trust of the companies to do the right
thing and trust of the regulator to pick up the anomalies if the companies don’t
do the right thing. The gas majors all have the profit imperative but are
bound by a number of strict rules and environment conditions they have to satisfy to get the green light for their enterprises. With the
pressure to meet their export commitments once the gas comes online in 2014,
those companies will need to ensure they are squeaky clean so the regulator does
not have a reason to hold them up.
What does
need to be looked at is the quick gobbling up of Australia’s natural resources.
According to mining critic Paul Cleary,
Australia has the 12th largest reserve of gas but is the world’s
second largest exporter and heading towards number one. Gladstone Port in Queensland is the home of four of
the eight big LNG plants and Incentives by the Bligh Government drove gas consumption
for the local market. Now the high price of oil is driving this massive
investment in coal seam methane for LNG. The problem is the price of natural
gas on the New York-based Henry Hub has
been declining for over a year and will mean the companies will have to
reforecast earnings or else dig for more gas.
governments greedy for the royalties, knowing when that saturation point comes
will be critical for the success of the industry and the regions they serve. As
the Surat DWIR proves, having good legislation supported by science will be
critical in keeping an even keel.
coal seam gas,
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