The flame arrives in Paris today and police are gearing up for further protests. The flame will be protected by 3,000 officers variously kitted out in riot vehicles, on motorbikes, on skates and in jogging gear. Paris police aim to keep the torch in a safe “bubble” with French torchbearers encircled by several hundred officers. French torchbearers will be encircled by several hundred officers, some in riot police vehicles. Pro-Tibetan activists are refusing to reveal their plans to counteract the “bubble”. The head of Reporters Without Borders, Robert Menard promised protests would be "spectacular". Menard was arrested at the flame-lighting ceremony in Greece last month.
The official torch relay site quoted a Beijing Olympic official who strongly criticised the attempt by “pro-Tibet independence” activists to sabotage the torch relay event in London, as an obvious act of defying the Olympic spirit. The Pro-Tibetan activists were placed in quotes as if to say that Tibetan independence was not their real agenda. The unnamed official went on to say that “the act will surely arouse the resentment of the peace-loving people, and is bound to fail”.
But others are not so sure it will fail. The president of Norway’s Olympic committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF) has publicly called on the IOC to consider halting the Relay. NIF president Tove Paule says the torch relay is supposed to be a symbol for peace and joy, and finds it sad when this happens. She is in Beijing this week, attending the General Assembly of national Olympic committees, and says she saw how the Chinese TV transmissions from London were cut when the demonstrations began. She fears that demonstrations will continue as the torch relay progresses.
These fears are shared elsewhere. San Francisco is the only US leg of the relay. Last week the city passed a resolution critical of China's human rights record and encouraged city Mayor Gavin Newsom to accept the flame with "alarm and protest" when it arrives. Local Chinese community members say they are dismayed that what should be a celebration of the strong cultural, historic and economic ties between San Francisco and China will be disrupted by political demonstrations. It is really an insult to the people of China and Chinese Americans, said Ling Chi Wang, professor emeritus of ethnic studies at UC Berkeley. “None of them even thought about consulting the Chinese community."
Today Kevin Rudd announced Australia's only leg of the Olympic Torch Relay in Canberra is to be shortened due to security concerns. The ACT Government has modified the route, following requests from Federal Police, the AOC and the Chinese Embassy for greater security. ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope says it would be regrettable if violence became the focus of the event. "It would be an enormous regret should it be over shadowed by demonstrations, by very overt and physical expressions of security police, riot squads, helicopters in the air,” he said. "It's not exactly what we had hoped for in relation to the torch relay."
It is ironic that the Olympic torch relay is treated with such reverence as it owes its existence less to ancient Greece and more to Nazi Germany. The torch relay is an example of what Eric Hobsbawm called an “invented tradition”. While different origins are claimed in various torch races held during the eighth and fourth centuries BC it was never part of the ancient Olympiad.
1 comment:
It as a Black day for Gordon Brown and the UK govt.
Who authorised the use of Chinese security personnel in London?
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