This the fifth annual Maryborough crawl and it was all (well, mostly) in a good cause. This year, pub crawlers were urged to "paint the town pink" with proceeds from the "crawl" around Maryborough's historical hotels going to the McGrath Foundation which provides funding for breast care nurses in regional areas. Pink is not my favourite colour, but I was determined to add to the amber.
11am. The first pub was the Carriers Arms Hotel. A somewhat soulless place on the outskirts of town. But it was handy for where I was staying.
I was surprised at how many people dressed up. Probably 80 percent of people made the effort (your correspondent was in the shameful 20 percent).
The hard hats queue up for food.
11.50am Venue 2. The Lamington. Just off the main road north from Brisbane. The Lammy was pleasant spot for the second beer of the day.
Some of the many Lammy revellers in pink
Grave fears for Bernie's budget burials
An attractive array of Heidis yodelling their way past the Aussie (venue#3) back in the centre of town. Where the next 8 pubs are - all within swaying distance of each other
Next pub. The Oxford #4
A short hop across the road to the Sydney #pub 5
The Smurfs have hit the Sydney beer garden
as have the Saris
Not really a pub. The "Sunrise" (#6) is a vacant block where all the charities set up shop. But you could get your card stamped and have a beer. Good enough for me
The Royal Hotel, Kent St (#7) on the main drag in town.
Like some fabled South American bird, only one made out of instant tea and coffee sachets
Pub #8 is the Central - 'welcome to the "superbar". Its that big we're closing off the street'
They were not lying
Pub no. 9 The imposing Post Office Hotel
large crowds in the Post Office's defacto beer garden
enjoying the band at the Post Office
Pub 10 The Criterion, down portside where Customs Officers slaked their thirsts after checking the imports on the Mary
attractive and colourful patrons at the Crit
and the building itself doesn't look bad either
never seen death looking so cheerful
Pub 11 and last of the day. The Shamrock. Back out of town towards the road to Biggenden
more late evening fun in the sun to be had at the Shamrock beer garden
The builders labourers we saw at the start of the day have downed tools. 5pm. Time for everyone to go home. Hiccup.
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