Friday, April 03, 2009

weddings and anniversaries

Just a quick note to say there will be no posting at Woolly Days until Tuesday as I am off today for a whistle-stop visit to Fiji for friends' wedding.

By pure co-incidence, this is the 1000th post on Woolly Days. The site began in October 2005 as an experiment in uncoordinated ramblings (and extraordinarily bad poetry) but after a few months it settled down into articles about issues, places and people that I was interested in. As such, it has become a vitally important daily outlet for me for several reasons: to learn about things, to vent about them, and to share what I found out.

Almost a million words later, I hope Woolly Days is now approaching something like journalism that people might be interested in reading. I am also eternally grateful for all the people across the world I have met (both in real life and virtually) through my writing.

Thanks to all my readers for dropping by and here's to the next thousand posts.

Derek Barry


Sean said...

I think any thanks should be directed your way Derek. Thanks for an enjoyable (and often insightful) daily read.

Derek Barry said...

cheers, Sean

Dani Bora said...

Derek, I've recently found out about your blog — while blogging about Earth Hour myself — and have been enjoying reading it since.

I'm trying do to something similar with my blog, can I pick your brain when you have some time? maybe you can email me and we take it from there...

in the meantime enjoy Fiji!